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How to prevent computer eye strain and dryness?

Did you know that I can predict the future?⁠ OK, not exactly but there is something I'm pretty confident will happen. I know that if you stare at your computer screen all day long, your eyes will be dry at the end of the day. ⁠

To some patients this feels like dryness but to others it can just feel like fatigue or strain.


Here are my tips to prevent this:⁠

1️⃣ Breaks - every 20-30 minutes, look at something in the distance for at least 20 seconds to relax your focus. It's a lot of work for your eyes to focus up close, give them a break!⁠

2️⃣Blinks - while you're taking your break, blink your eyes. You blink 50% less when you stare at a screen and that leads to dryness. Blink, blink, blink!⁠

3️⃣Add in an artificial tear. Some of my favorites are preservative-free Refresh Relieva, preservative-free Refresh Mega-3, Optase.⁠


Lastly, (and I realize how unrealistic this will sound but I'm going to say it anyway), if you can cut out screen use 2 hours before bed, thats a great way to give your eyes a break.⁠

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